Supporting Teens With Executive Functioning Challenges

Does your child struggle to keep track of and complete assignments?  Are needed materials often lost or left at school?  Is homework completed, only to be lost before your child can turn it in?  These are all challenges associated with executive functioning challenges.  Come learn about the brain-based source of these challenges, as well as interventions and strategies that can help students plan and organize their academic work. There will be a presentation along with an opportunity to ask questions!

Guest Speakers: 

Raloon Bialek, ARHS Special Education Teacher


Denise Green,  ARHS School Psychologist

 Date:  Monday, 11/14/16

 Location:  Amherst Regional High School, Library

                  21 Mattoon Street, Amherst, MA

 Time:  5:30pm-7:00pm          


RSVP:   Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) Nancy Stewart 413-687-4255


Childcare can be provided if given notice one week ahead of time.

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